Short Courses

Dig deeper with short courses

A number of highly specialized short courses will be offered by top experts in their fields, immediately preceding the conference. These in-depth courses will be essential for professionals who want to stay abreast of the most recent developments and techniques in their areas of expertise. The short courses are available on a first-come, first-served basis.  The organizer reserve the right to cancel a short course if the number of participants does not meet the minimum number required.

Full day short course: Price includes two coffee breaks, lunch and course notes

  • Regular registration: $375
  • Student registration: $100

Half day workshop: Price includes one coffee break and course notes

  • Regular registration: $175
  • Student registration: $50

Sunday, April 28 - Half day AM

  • IIoT Workshop for Mining - Understand the Value and the Power of IIoT in Mining

    The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), also known as Industry 4.0, brings together brilliant machines, advanced analytics, and people at work. A digital transformation is underway, driving huge change across all industries.

    IIoT is the network of multitudes of devices from different vendors connected by different communications technologies that results in systems that can monitor, collect, exchange, analyze, and deliver valuable new insights like never before. These data-driven insights can help drive smarter and faster business decisions only possible with machine learning and advanced analytics.

    This workshop was designed and developed by ShookIOT, a company with more than a hundred man-years of experience in Industrial Automation, Control Systems and Business Enterprise Operational and IT Systems. This workshop is meant for industrial and business professionals who wish to come up to speed with this new technology and to use it in their own industries and businesses.

    Workshop Benefits
    This workshop aims to provide attendees with clear definitions around IIoT, an understanding of the capabilities and boundaries of IIoT, the benefits of developing and implementing IIoT capabilities, and how to get a successful IIoT program started.

    Get the Answers You’ve Been Looking For:

    • How is IIoT relevant to my business?
    • How can I leverage IIoT to give my organization a competitive advantage?
    • How do I ensure my organization doesn’t get left behind since IIoT is evolving so quickly?
    • How do I start our IIoT Digital Transformation journey? How will this affect my existing infrastructure, processes, supply chain, products and services?
    • How can I make faster, better decisions with IIoT? What is the value?

    More details at:

    Dr. Dave Shook, PhD, P.Eng | President & CEO
    Dave is the former CTO of Matrikon and has 26 years’ industrial experience in automation and deriving value from analysis of operational data. He has designed asset performance monitoring software installed at hundreds of sites and is a recipient of the DG Fisher Award for Process Systems Engineering.

    Dave was instrumental in the development of Matrikon’s products and solutions, especially those involving complex data analysis and the integration of data from multiple sources permitting centralized monitoring and management of distributed fleets of assets and large groups of operators. He created specific advanced solutions and application for the mining sector. He also defined and managed the company’s R&D and knowledge management programs.

    Dave has worked in a number of industries over his career, including mining, upstream oil production, gas transmission, refining, petrochemicals, plastics, forest products, mineral processing and wastewater treatment.

  • Gestion des risques sociaux (possibility of bilingual course)

    Les modes de gestion des entreprises évoluent. Avec le temps, les organisations ont implanté des systèmes de gestion des performances financières, de la qualité, de la santé et la sécurité au travail et même de l’environnement. Mais qu’en est-il de la gestion des risques sociaux?

    • Qu’est-ce que les risques sociaux et comment peuvent-ils influencer l’atteinte des objectifs d’affaires de l’entreprise?
    • Pourquoi est-ce stratégique de gérer les risques sociaux de l’entreprise?
    • Qui devrait être impliqué dans une démarche de gestion des risques sociaux?
    • Qu’est-ce qu’un système de gestion des risques sociaux?
    • Quelles compétences les entreprises doivent-elles développer pour créer de la valeur grâce à la gestion des risques (et opportunités) sociaux?
    • Quelles activités doivent être mises en place à chaque étape d’un projet pour s’assurer de protéger et de créer de la valeur pour l’entreprise?
    • Comment gérer les risques sociaux de votre entreprise?
    • Qu'en est-il des risques sociaux découlant de vos activités à l'extérieur du Canada?

    *Option de formation bilingue anglais / français

    Marie Rousseau, ing., présidente Écoprocessus
    Graduée de l’École Polytechnique de Montréal en génie chimique, option environnement, Marie Rousseau a œuvré principalement au sein de l’industrie québécoise, que ce soit dans le domaine des pâtes et papier, de l’aéronautique, de la métallurgie ou des mines. En tant que consultante en gestion de l’environnement, elle a développé, mis en œuvre et optimisé de multiple systèmes de gestion de l’environnement et programmes d’amélioration des performances. Sa pratique s’est rapidement spécialisée en développement durable, une approche plus systémique qui intègre le volet de la responsabilité sociale.

    Son rôle de responsable des relations avec les communautés chez Rio Tinto Fer et Titane à Sorel-Tracy et Havre Saint-Pierre lui a permis de mieux comprendre la complexité des enjeux liés à l’acceptabilité sociale. Aujourd’hui, elle consacre sa pratique et ses recherches aux enjeux de mobilisation des parties prenantes et de performances sociales des entreprises.

    Grâce à une formation technique et à plus de 20 ans d’expérience en industrie, Marie connaît les rouages des systèmes et processus internes des entreprises et les dynamiques d’interrelations complexes qui les relient. La mobilisation et la coordination des intervenants internes est l’un des plus grands défis auquel fait face les entreprises en matière de relations avec les communautés. C’est pourquoi elle privilégie une approche qui intègre le développement des compétences internes et le travail d’équipe.

    Stéphanie Brisson, Conseillère en sciences sociales, AECOM
    Madame Stéphanie Brisson est titulaire d’une maîtrise en géographie et cumule près de 15 ans d’expérience dans le domaine de la consultation et des études sociales, notamment dans le secteur minier. Au cours des dernières années, elle a acquis une expérience particulière dans la réalisation d’études d’impact, de plans d’action de réinstallation et de stratégies d’engagement des parties prenantes en Afrique, en Amérique Latine et au Canada. Nombre de projets sur lesquels elle a travaillé étaient guidés par les normes internationales de l’IFC et de la Banque Mondiale. Elle a aussi participé au développement d’études socio-économiques impliquant des parties prenantes autochtones dans le cadre de projets miniers et hydroélectriques développés au nord du Québec. Elle a de l’expérience de travail au Bénin, en Gambie, en Guinée, en Haïti, au Mexique, au Pérou, en République Dominicaine et au Sénégal.

  • Mining 101 - An Introduction to Mining and Mineral Processing

    An introduction to mining and mineral processing using basic concepts and lots of examples. It consists of five parts:

    1. The activities of a mining company
    2. Geological concepts
    3. Mineral resources estimation and reporting
    4. Open pit and underground mining
    5. Mineral processing

    George McIsaac, P.Eng., Ph.D.
    George is a mining engineer and a mineral economist, with 35 years’ experience in industry, research and development, consulting, and teaching. He specializes in the economics of the mine, combining design, planning, costing, and cash flow estimation, to optimize mine operations and exploration activities. He founded Geology & Mining Evaluation Consulting (G-MEC), a company providing services in strategic planning and economic evaluation to exploration companies and producing mines.

Sunday, April 28 - Half day PM

  • Navigate the Mine Life Cycle with Environmental Intelligence

    Environmental protection and management at all stages of the mine cycle benefit from a strategic and proactive approach. There is a set of behaviours - that we call Environmental Intelligence – that set mining executives and environmental managers up for success in meeting their environmental goals, and is the focus of this course. Environmental Intelligence is made of four key elements:

    • Thought process
    • Application
    • Solutions; and
    • Communication

    The goal of the course is for each participant to:

    • gain an understanding of where you and your organization are in formulating your environmental goals; and
    • recognize and plan around you and your organization’s strengths and weaknesses in implement actions towards those goals.

    To achieve this, participants are asked to complete an “Environmental Intelligence Scorecard” before attending the course. The scorecard is here:

    The scorecard is a tool that will be used by the course leaders to tailor the material to the participants’ needs. The results will also be used for each participant to develop and action plan to be implemented immediately to meet their goals.

    The course leaders are all expert environmental practitioners. We will teach the course dynamically using case studies, simulations, and break-out sessions to share the tenets of Environmental Intelligence.

    Sarah J. Barabash, PhD.
    Director of Mining Services
    Senior Environmental Scientist

    Dr. Sarah Barabash is a Senior Environmental Scientist with EcoMetrix with over 14 years of combined experience in research and consulting related to geochemistry, hydrogeology, mine waste management, water quality and environmental assessments. Since completing her Ph.D., she has worked as a consultant and research scientist and has been a principal investigator for a wide variety of environmental investigations, including mine waste and water quality assessments for proposed mine projects, detailed studies at operating and closed mines and modelling of contaminant migration in surface and groundwaters.

    Sarah’s particular expertise is the planning and implementation of waste management programs, geochemical assessment and environmental monitoring studies. Sarah also works extensively with the mining sector on environmental assessment and permitting, as well as in the development and implementation of mine closure plans, remediation and rehabilitation strategies.

    Sarah is currently involved in the development of innovative tools and methodologies for the mining industry that include her participation in a special study for the Mine Effluent Neutral Drainage (MEND) program and the development of software platforms specifically to aid in the prediction of the mobility, transport and fate of constituents associated with mine wastes (MineModTM).

    Elizabeth Haack, PhD., PChem.
    Director of Assessment
    Senior Environmental Scientist

    Dr. Elizabeth Haack’s expertise is in geochemistry and environmental risk assessment. She has over 12 years experience as a consultant. Dr. Haack has developed programs to assess and/or provide technical review of the potential for long-term deleterious environmental effects related to storage and/or re-use of waste materials (rock, soil, tailings, slag) produced by mining and energy sectors. She is an expert resource with respect to prediction of water chemistry using geochemical software and has provided geochemical studies for a number of water vulnerability, compatibility and re-injection studies. Dr. Haack is also an expert human and ecological risk assessor. She has led several innovative remediation/risk management projects that require an understanding both of contaminant chemistry and environmental risk assessment, significant regulatory liaison and collaboration with government and academic research teams.

    Dr. Haack has designed and delivered a number of presentations that address complex geochemical topics for wide audiences. She developed a presentation, delivered at the North American Metals Council Selenium Working Group, that evaluated the long-term stability of selenium in water treatment waste residuals. She brought together research and industry findings to make recommendations on analytical assessment of the wastes and to highlight important data gaps by industrial sector. She also developed a very well-attended presentation that addressed risks from metals in groundwater to human and ecological receptors. In that presentation, she used case studies to highlight how the way in which we quantify metals (i.e. operational size fractions, speciation) has implications for fate and transport and for metal toxicity to humans and ecological receptors. Following the presentation, she was contacted by regulatory authorities in Alberta to provide comment on guidance being developed pertaining to metal assessments.

    R. Brent Murphy, M.Sc., P.GEO., FGC
    Seabridge Gold

    R. Brent Murphy is Vice President, Environmental Affairs for Seabridge Gold. For the past nine years, Brent has led the environmental permitting strategy for the company's key projects, including the KSM Project located in north western British Columbia. He was instrumental in leading the technical and social teams that obtained the federal and provincial environmental assessment approvals for KSM in 2014.

    Brent is a former exploration geologist who holds a M.Sc. in Geology (Geochemistry) from Acadia University. Prior to joining Seabridge Gold, he was the chief environmental officer for the EKATI Diamond Mine in the Northwest Territories of Canada and has held roles as permitting advisor to the Federal and Territorial governments. Over the past 30 years, Brent has developed extensive experience in indigenous public and government engagement in support of the social acceptance of resource extraction projects and has successfully participated in the permitting of several North American-based mining projects.

    Brent is a sound strategic and progressive thinker and is experienced and skilled in dealing with a variety of stakeholders including Aboriginal peoples and non-Aboriginal community members in Canada and Alaska and politicians, and regulators. His strong technical background has allowed him to successfully apply leadership within the environmental, operational, permitting and safety aspects of mining projects.

    Professor Lesley A. Warren
    Claudette Mackay-Lassonde Chair in Mineral Engineering | Director, Lassonde Institute of Mining

    Dr. Warren, PL, is the Claudette Mackay-Lassonde Chair in Mineral Engineering at the University of Toronto. She has extensive experience working on large projects with the extractive resources sector. Dr. Warren is an aqueous and microbial geochemist, who has pioneered the development of integrated approaches to address key questions linked to the roles microorganisms play in geochemical cycling, with a significant focus on water quality management in mining contexts. Her group fuses molecular microbiology with field and experimental biogeochemistry and high-resolution imaging techniques to develop novel mechanistic understanding of the key processes driving unexpected environmental and water quality outcomes for her partners. Her industrial partnerships span energy sector (oil sands, Syncrude Canada) as well as base metal mining (Glencore, Vale, International Alumina Association). She serves on the Canadian Mining Industry Research Organization (CAMIRO) Expert Geochemistry panel and Syncrude Canada’s Reclamation and End Pit Lake Science Advisory Boards.

  • Me Too Mining: Stand Up, Step Up and Stomp out Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Workshop

    This short course will focus on actions that everyone can take to stop sexual harassment in the workplace for all workers in the mining industry.

    The course will cover the following topics:

    • Studies and statistics show the mining industry has one of the highest levels of sexual harassment in the workplace than most other industries. There will be a discussion on the definitions of sexual harassment, how it differs from gender discrimination, and examples of inappropriate behaviours that both men and women in mining are experiencing.
    • Discuss the gendered workplace culture that exists in the mining industry, and how to identify when a hypermasculine work environment is present and how it impacts the safety of all workers.
    • Discuss current sexual harassment policies and what they should contain to ensure a safe work environment, and suggest clear, safe reporting mechanisms for mining industry workers.
    • Attendees will be instructed on Bystander Intervention strategies and work in groups with facilitators to identify scenarios and discuss how the intervention strategies could be used in each case.
    • Discussion on reporting options, and resources across Canada.

    Susan Lomas
    has over 30 years of experience in the exploration and mining industry and is a Professional Geoscientist in British Columbia, Canada. Susan’s wide range of experience includes grass roots exploration programs to feasibility stage studies and work in operating mines. Susan started Lions Gate Geological Consulting Inc. (LGGC) in 2006 with her husband, Ali Shahkar, P.Eng., and builds geological models and mineral resource estimates for clients around the globe on projects concerning gold, copper, silver, lead, zinc, uranium and potash.

    In February of 2018, Susan founded the Me Too Mining Association to launch a conversation in the mining industry around sexual assault, sexual harassment, intimidation and discrimination.

    MeTooMining wants to let women and men in mining who have been impacted by sexual violence/harassment know they are not alone and that we stand in solidarity with them.

Sunday, April 28 - Full day

  • Implementing Management Control and Reporting Best Practices

    Implementing a systematic, data-driven management control and reporting system is essential to ensure your organization is focussed on the key operational performance metrics and to drive continuous improvement. However, best practices for designing and implementing operations management systems are not widely understood and developing the management skills and behaviours necessary to implement such practices is a lengthy and challenging process. This course will present the principles of management control and reporting and introduce key tools and best practices used in large, high-volume continuous process operations to maximise throughput, asset utilization (OEE), and control cost. These include: short-interval control, daily-weekly operating reports (DWOR), 24-hour, 7-day, and 28-day production plan, and the weekly-monthly operations management report.

    I will also provide an approach to designing and implementing effective daily, weekly, and monthly performance review meetings and how to define and develop the skills and behaviours required by high-performing teams in challenging operational environments.

    The course content is based on many years of experience as a management consultant implementing production and maintenance management systems in various heavy-industrial sectors including bulk chemical manufacturing, oil and gas and mining. It is a proven and practical approach that you can use to improve your current systems and practices and that will deliver measurable sustainable results.

    Bill Tubbs
    Bill is a management consultant specialised in implementing operations management best practices in large, capital-intense process industries. Over his 20+-year career he has helped many large companies in oil and gas, chemical manufacturing, pulp and paper and mining to implement programs to increase production, improve reliability, reduce operating costs, minimize environmental impacts and manage regulatory compliance. Bill’s goal is to support progressive organizations in transforming their industrial operations through systematic management practices, organizational learning, technological progress, and the continuous pursuit of excellence.

  • Change and Risk Management for Tailings Management Facilities

    The workshop will focus on the systems and people needed to maintain safe and adaptable operation of existing facilities designed to store and manage mine materials (both tailings and waste rock) and related contact waters. Through case histories of past problems and worked examples, multiple existing guidelines will be applied to mock facility scenarios, covering a variety of technologies. Participants will gain insight and take-home demonstrations of the good practices (people, procedures, deliverables and key considerations and risks) that they need to manage appropriately qualified teams during a mine’s life and into closure. Cost-effectiveness and flexibility will necessarily be important facets of discussion.


    • Overview of Tailings Dam Safety Management Systems (organization and procedures)– historical performance and consequences of failures.
    • Comparison to other Mine Waste Safety Management Systems – extend the dam safety management systems to other tailings facilities (heap leach, co-disposal, etc.)
    • Key Performance Indicators – combining operational and safety requirements to manage risk.
    • Change Management – tracking the impacts of change within your existing safety management system.
    • Implementing Management Systems – Challenges and Examples.
      1. NEW MINE – Potential issues during initial construction
      2. MID-LIFE CRISIS – 10-year-old operation needing to improve/comply
      3. MINE ENTERING CLOSURE – transition and long-term responsibilities

    Chad LePoudre, CIM Distinguished Lecturer, P.Eng, Principal and VP, Geoscience & Materials SNC-Lavalin;
    Michel Julien P.Eng., Ph.D., FEIC, ASC, Vice-President Environment, Agnico Eagle Mines Limited;
    Klohn Crippen Berger (Senior engineering professionals, names to be advised),
    Diana Sollner, MASc, MBA, P.Eng.,GEM Services
    With Dr Michael Davies, P.Eng., Senior Advisor – Tailings & Mine Waste, Teck Resources Limited as contributing adviser;
    and Alistair Kent, P.Eng, Senior Project Manager, Merit Consultants International, as coordinator/organiser.

  • Automation in Mining - One Element of the Digital Mine of the Future

    The successful implementation of autonomous systems adds clear value: it can increase production efficiency, lower maintenance costs, and improve safety. However, it presents challenges including technology, security and safety risks, and workforce and workflow changes.

    Creating a unified autonomous mining system is part of the industry’s vision of future mining, and it has been gaining momentum. There is a need for a comprehensive guideline for implementing autonomous systems, which is why GMG has developed Guideline for Implementing Autonomous Systems in Mining. The guideline, which aims to provide a framework for mitigating risks and managing change while maximizing the value of autonomy is in its final stages before publication. Some of the guideline authors will elaborate on key areas.

    This course will also explore opportunities available with Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). Many sectors are using these systems to provide precise information on positioning, navigation and timing. Technical development in this area is taking place rapidly, creating the potential for more precise services. This technology is one element of the digital mining future and has the potential for increased automation.

    Time Item Responsible
    08:30-08:50 Welcome message  
    08:50-10:00 Business Case for Autonomy Michael Waller, Manager Technology AHS, Roy Hill
    Al Boddy, Consultant, Peck Tech
    Renier Visser, Mining Lead, Cote Gold Project, IAMGold
    10:15-12:00 Implementation Considerations Peter O’Loughlin, Senior Inspector, Western Australia Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (presenting virtually)
    Al Boddy, Consultant, Peck Tech
    Brendon Lilly, Embedded Systems Architect, Peck Tech
    Mark Sawyer, Senior Operational Technology Associate, Peck Tech
    Video case study snippets from Rio Tinto, Goldcorp, and FMG
    01:00-02:15 Next Generation Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) Jason Bond, Team Leader, Positioning, Navigation and Timing Strategy at Canadian Geodetic Survey, Natural Resources Canada
    Michelle Levesque, Engineering Technical Lead – Data-driven Technologies, CanmetMINING, Natural Resources Canada
    Jamal Mohammed, Sales Manager, Sitech
    02:15-03:00 BREAKOUT SESSION: Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS)  
    03:15-04:00 Design Considerations Joshua Marshall, Associate Professor, Queen’s University
    04:00-04:30 Closing Message  

    Andrew Scott: Andrew Scott has been involved in the mining innovation arena since the very beginning of his career over 30 years’ ago. Having studied biotechnology and computer science at the University of Queensland, he was drawn to the mining industry as a means of funding his ongoing study. As a young field assistant, he quickly found himself fulfilling the role of “go-to” person for any new technology that needed to be investigated or implemented. If ever he felt that a position within a company wasn’t giving him technology exposure, Andrew discovered that he would engineer himself into those roles. The latest example being when Michelle Ash became Chief Innovation Officer at Barrick, he made sure that he was on her team delivering on their digital strategy as Senior Director Innovation. Andrew was In-coming Chairman, Chairman and outgoing Chairman of the Global Mining Guidelines Group between 2012 and 2018 and thoroughly enjoyed working with motivated and passionate people to improve the industry through collaboration, guidelines, and innovation.

    As Senior Director, Innovation/Digital Mining at Barrick, Andrew had the scope of providing technology support for the entire mining process, which includes everything from exploration, feasibility, construction, production, reconciliation, through mine closure. In addition, Andrew represented Barrick on the OSI Soft Client Advisory Board, collaborating with representatives from other OSI Soft customers from other industries, which he thoroughly enjoyed. Andrew has recently taken up the position of Principal Innovator at Symbiotic Innovations, and coupled with his concurrent role as CORE Skills Facilitator, he is enthusiastic about further supporting the resource sector’s successful digital transformation “I feel as though I’ve been in the innovation space for my whole career. Whether it be with mining industry professionals investigating or implementing new technology, with researchers researching and tackling challenges, or helping researchers implement proof of concepts and then testing them; working with people to solve problems has always been a passion of mine,” Scott says.

    Jason Bond: Jason has been working in the field of precise positioning for over 15 years. As an expert in GNSS and engineering surveys, he has leveraged precision GNSS technologies for monitoring slope stability in open pit mines and for monitoring ground subsidence during underground mining. Jason holds a doctoral degree from the University of New Brunswick (UNB) in Geodetic Engineering and has given guest lectures at UNB, Dalhousie University, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Warsaw University of Technology and the College of Geographic Sciences. In 2017, he was awarded the Premier’s Award of Excellence for implementing infrastructure that would enable real-time, centimetre level positioning throughout Nova Scotia. As the lead for Canadian Geodetic Survey’s Positioning, Navigation and Timing team, Jason is currently looking at ways of promoting the implementation of widespread, high accuracy, positioning capabilities in Canada that will lead to innovation across industry.

    Michelle Levesque: Michelle Levesque is the Engineering Technical Lead for the Data-driven technologies team at CanmetMINING. Her focus is on the development of tools and technologies for improving efficiencies with the mining sector, resulting in the implementation of techniques and technologies leading to a more sustainable mining sector. Michelle is a chemist, and also holds a Master's and a PhD degree in Natural Resources Engineering, all from Laurentian University, with the focus of her research being on energy management for the mining sector. She also holds the Certified Energy Manager designation from the Association of Energy Engineers. In the past 20 years she has worked at Laurentian University, in the paste backfill group at Golder Associates, and as a Researcher in the "Energy, Renewables and Carbon Management" group at MIRARCO.

    More to be confirmed.

  • Implementation of Battery Electric Vehicles in the Underground

    The BEV project stemmed from requests from companies with mines entering development in Ontario. Their efforts to build diesel-free underground mines revealed a major impediment to the realization of their projects: a lack of standardization in the components needed (different types of batteries, chargers, electronics, etc.).

    BEVs can reduce both a mine’s operating costs and impact on the environment as they require less maintenance, emit lower levels of greenhouse gases and use less energy. They also avoid emission of DPMs, a known carcinogen. But, with the implementation of anything new comes a set of challenges such as changes to infrastructure, maintenance and operating constraints.

    The BEVs Guideline is meant to drive technological development to enable diesel-free underground mines. The first edition provided much-needed guidance by offering a blueprint for mine design and equipment innovation and providing solutions to potential electric mine problems before they occur.

    The highly anticipated Version 2.0 considers new technologies and addresses gaps in the previous edition, adding material on emergency response, training and charger standardization.

    Time Item Responsible
    08:30-8:45 Welcome, Safety Share, and Antitrust Compliance Reminder David Sanguinetti
    08:45-10:00 BEV’s in mining: an introduction Craig Harris, Glencore
    10:00-10:15 Coffee Break  
    10:15-11:15 Vehicle Design Jeff Anderson, MacLean Engineering
    11:15-12:00 Energy Storage Systems Paul Summers, Miller Technology
    12:00-1:00 Lunch  
    01:00-02:00 Charging Systems Francois-Pierre Pepin, ABB
    01:30-02:30 Mine Design Alain Richard, BESTECH
    03:00-03:15 Coffee Break  
    03:15-04:30 Operations & Performance Standards Brian Huff, Artisan Vehicle Systems

    The course will be facilitated by David Sanguinetti, GMG’s Program Manager, and will be taught by select authors of the BEV guideline. The authors include leading battery electric equipment designers, mine designers with experience in electric mine design, providers of BEV charging infrastructure, and operators of mines with battery electric equipment






Save big by registering before March 22!