
A myriad of social activities has been planned to maximize your networking opportunities and make your convention memorable. Check back here for more details!

Newbie Networking Lounge

First-time CIM Convention delegates join seasoned CIM mentors at lounge 347 of the Expo for mentorship, orientation and new connections. Start your convention experience on the right foot and stay on top of the Newbie Lounge activities’ schedule. By invitation.
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Opening Ceremony & Welcome Reception

Participants gather at the opening ceremony and reception of the CIM Convention for networking, refreshments and live entertainment. Meet old colleagues and friends over a drink and finger foods at the ceremony, then grab dessert at the Expo while discovering exhibitor innovations. The Expo is the convention hub for networking, knowledge exchange and business.

Lunches at the EXPO

Lunches at the Expo will take place on Monday and Tuesday from 12:30 to 14:00. Lunch ticket(s) are included with each delegate registration.

Receptions at the EXPO

Cocktail receptions at the Expo will take place from 15:30 to 17:00. Drink ticket(s) are included with each delegate registration.

Wednesday Delegate Lunch

The technical program continues, and delegates are invited to gather and grab a bite in an informal networking setting before heading to the afternoon sessions.

Closing Reception

Let’s raise our glasses to a week filled with learning, knowledge exchange, networking, business – and mostly, SUCCESS! Toast to old and new friendships and satisfy your sweet tooth while we recap the highlights of the 2020 Convention.

Cancellation of CIM Convention & EXPO 2020

The well-being of our industry is vital to our future and we take our strategic role of connecting and furthering the knowledge of our minerals and metals community seriously.