Stakeholder Dialogue

Early engagement with communities potentially impacted by exploration and mining activities is an expectation of stakeholders and rights holders.  Yet, determining “best” practice or “leading” practice is challenging given the need to consider the geographic, situational, cultural, and contextual variations from one project to another. To gain insight to current community engagement practices during exploration and mine development, a multi-stakeholder forum is proposed for CIM 2020.

Purpose of the Forum

  • Secure specialized input and opinion on engagement tactics deemed most effective based on experiences of different groups:  Indigenous people; government, regulatory agencies, community residents, company personnel.
  • Gain consensus on community engagement strategies that are deemed most important and feasible during the advanced mineral exploration and design stage of mining projects.

Approach and Procedures

The session will begin with a short presentation, highlighting the findings of a recent UBC research study on public participation in mine planning.  The objectives of the forum will be explained and the process for the interactive session introduced.

Participants will be seated at round tables of 6-8.  Efforts will be made to ensure each table has a diversity of perspectives represented (company, community, rightsholders, government, regulatory, etc.).  Each table will have an assigned discussant, whose job will be to document the table conversation and prompt discussion if necessary. UBC students and CIM volunteers will be used to fill the discussant role.

Each group will be guided through a consensus building exercise to determine engagement that they deem most effective. A facilitated conversation will follow to explore the group’s thoughts and ideas on how to development effective public participation approaches and to identify the assumptions being made.

Date: Monday, May 4
Time: 2:00 PM - 4:05 PM
Location: Room 120, Vancouver Convention Centre

Cancellation of CIM Convention & EXPO 2020

The well-being of our industry is vital to our future and we take our strategic role of connecting and furthering the knowledge of our minerals and metals community seriously.