
Ateliers intensifs

Avant le début du congrès, plusieurs ateliers hautement spécialisés vous seront offerts par des experts. Ces cours approfondis permettront aux professionnels de suivre l'évolution des techniques les plus récentes dans chaque domaine d’expertise. Consultez régulièrement le site web afin d’obtenir les informations à jour, dont la disponibilité des ateliers. Les places pour ces derniers sont limitées et seront offertes sur une base du premier arrivé, premier servi.

Atelier d'une journée : Notes de cours, lunch et pauses-cafés inclus.

  • 100$ pour les délégués à la conférence
  • 350$ pour les autres catégories d'inscription

Atelier d'une demi-journée : Notes de cours et pause-café incluses.

  • 75$ pour les délégués à la conférence
  • 150$ pour les autres catégories d'inscription

Veuillez noter que les ateliers seront dispensés en anglais et que, par conséquent, les textes ci-dessous ne seront disponibles qu'en anglais.


Dimanche 6 mai - demi-journée

  • 13:00-16:30 TSM and Tailings Management

    Launched in 2004 by the Mining Association of Canada (MAC), the Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM) initiative is a performance system that helps mining companies and their facilities evaluate and manage their environmental and social performance. TSM includes a set of tools and indicators to drive continuous performance improvement, provide transparent results to communities of interest, and ensure that key mining risks are managed effectively.

    Participation in the TSM initiative is mandatory for all MAC member companies as a condition of membership. Upon becoming a member, companies commit to TSM’s Guiding Principles – a set of leadership and operational commitments that relate to protecting the environment, establishing a safe workplace, and protecting the interests of Aboriginal communities and other stakeholders.

    This workshop will provide a brief overview of TSM and a deeper focus on the TSM Tailings Management Protocol and associated guidance documents, a fundamental element of TSM. MAC has recently reviewed this aspect of the program and made several important enhancements to the protocol and guides. Participants will learn about the best practices related to tailings management and what TSM requires of participating companies.

    Charles Dumaresq, Vice President, Science and Environmental Management, The Mining Association of Canada
    Charles focuses on regulatory and environmental aspects of mining, including mine waste management, effluent quality, and monitoring and mitigating effects on water quality and the aquatic environment. Prior to joining MAC, Charles spent 22 years with the Government of Canada, working on issues related to mining and the environment. He is experienced in technical and policy aspects related to legacy environmental issues associated with orphaned and abandoned mines, and has extensive experience in regulatory development and implementation. A geologist by training, Charles first gained experience in the mining industry working on mineral exploration projects.

    Ben Chalmers, Vice President, Sustainable Development, The Mining Association of Canada
    Ben is responsible for the implementation of MAC’s Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM) initiative. In his role, he works with members on issues related to corporate responsibility both within Canada and abroad. Ben also follows policy development related to wildlife, including biodiversity, species at risk and migratory birds. Ben began working in the industry in 2004 at the Myra Falls Operations in British Columbia where he worked as an Environmental Supervisor for the mine. Prior to joining MAC in 2011, Ben served as Vice President of Environment and Technical Affairs for the Mining Association of British Columbia and Senior Policy Analyst with Natural Resources Canada. Ben also served as Chair of the Board for the Campbell River Economic Development Corporation.

  • 8:30-12:30 Mining 101 - An introduction to mining and mineral processing

    Aspects of Geology, Mining and Mineral Processing will be addressed in the context of the discovery, development and production of mineral deposits. This course will provide a basic introduction of the critical technical factors impacting on the success of mining companies.

    George McIsaac, P.Eng., Ph.D., is a mining engineer and a mineral economist, with 35 years’ experience in industry, research and development, consulting, and teaching. He specializes in the economics of the mine, combining design, planning, costing, and cash flow estimation, to optimize mine operations and exploration activities. He founded Geology & Mining Evaluation Consulting (G-MEC), a company providing services in strategic planning and economic evaluation to exploration companies and producing mines.

Dimanche 6 mai - une journée

  • 8:00-17:00 Characteristics of a responsible management system for mine waste facilities

    History has proven that mine waste facilities represent significant and complex liabilities with potential to jeopardize the viability of the mine, or even the company, if proper actions are not taken in design, construction and operations/maintenance. Mine waste facilities require a variety of technical experts including geotechnical, geochemical, hydrological, hydrogeological, environmental, socio-economic, etc. to design, evaluate and construct them. From the work of these experts, commitments are made to gain and maintain legal, and social licenses. Further complicating the management of these facilities, all of the above will change over time, and failure of a facility can be physical, environmental, legal and/or social at any point in the life cycle. Multiply these complications by the number of mine waste facilities a company’s corporate team is responsible for and the task of effectively identifying and communicating key issues to senior managers is challenging.

    This course is designed for managers interested in ensuring that their senior management team is receiving appropriate information regarding mine waste facilities. The course content will be organized along the framework for corporate governance by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO). Since the COSO framework is widely used in other management systems such as financial controls, and resources and reserves, participants with varied backgrounds will readily understand the concepts. These parallels will assist the participant in understanding the roles of: review boards, industry guidelines, operational controls, construction quality assurance, etc. in a management system necessary for corporate governance program. Practical and specific examples will include various stages of the facility life cycle from conceptual site design and selection to closure.

    The course will reference and use work of industry organizations such as the Mining Association of Canada and the Canadian Dam Association, recommendations from recent tailings investigations and experience gained by the instructors.

    Greg Gosson, Technical Director, Geology & Compliance, Amec Foster Wheeler
    Sheila Daniel, Principal, Mining Environmental, Amec Foster Wheeler
    David Bleiker, Vice-President, Mining & Environment & Infrastructure, Amec Foster Wheeler

  • 8:30-16:30 The science of communication - the CSR practitioner's role in building trust through media

    The Need: Effective communication builds trust, and trust is essential for mineral exploration, development and mining companies to gain necessary public support to successfully explore for minerals, permit, build and operate mines--When trust goes up, speed goes up and costs go down.

    Many companies are reluctant to promote the work they do in communities and to manage their environmental footprint for fear of it being labeled as “greenwashing.” While resource companies need to be strategic and sensitive about how to communicate their CSR activities, they should also be consistently sharing stories about corporate citizenship, whether it’s a community investment or the strict standards applied to environmental controls. It’s as much about building and maintaining reputational value and building trust as it is about managing risk.

    The Return on Investment: Corporate reputation accounts for $566 billion, or more than $1 in every $5 of shareholder value in Canada’s resource sectors according to calculations made using the latest ‘Reputation Dividend’ report. The sector is rife with examples of projects stalled, stopped or abandoned because stakeholders were not sufficiently engaged, trust was weak leaving corporations’ reputation damaged and eroded. The media plays a critical role in a company’s reputation management. Leveraging this medium can directly impact a Project’s economic outcome as it can influence the minds of key stakeholders. CSR activities are those media story gems capable of causing significant positive influence, if narrated strategically.

    The Workshop: This highly interactive workshop will discuss the role media plays in building trust and how CSR professionals can effectively tell their stories through the media to gain public trust for their organization. Participants will work through a series of activities and on-camera interviews to help them think like journalists and identify news stories which will improve the organization’s reputation, build trust and lower the cost of doing business.

    Through the course of the workshop, participants will learn how to choose and develop the most appropriate media relations strategies for building trust and gaining the support necessary to explore, obtain environmental permits, develop a mine, and through production and closure.

    Robert will provide insight on how your communication style and the style of media can be complementary; how to build skills and strategies to clearly and effectively receive and transmit information, ideas, thoughts; and how to identify and close trust gaps that exist between the organization, stakeholders and the media.

    Robert Simpson, our trainer is a former print, television and on-line journalist. He has worked with over 2,000 engineers and scientists to effectively communicate complex concepts to non‐science audiences which has helped to get approval for $20.5 billion dollars of new project investment and launch over $600 million dollars of new technology. His approach to media training is unique. Unlike most trainers, Robert Simpson, does not use scare tactics or the “angry journalist” approach to frighten media spokespeople into submission or to fear the media. Rather, his approach is more practical and representative of today’s media landscape. Robert’s approach to media spokesperson training is to teach compelling storytelling though improved listening skills, interview preparedness and spokesperson presentation skills to result in confident and compelling media spokespeople.

  • 8:00-17:00 State of practice in water, tailings and mineral waste management

    This is the fourth workshop in the State of Practice for Water, Tailings and Mineral Waste Management. This workshop will start the conversation on competency and training requirements of professionals involved in tailings engineering and management.

    The Accreditation Board of Engineers Canada has accredited 283 programs of engineering education in Canada. At the time of graduation, a graduate needs to demonstrate 12 attributes. After graduation, there is no specific licenses granted, certification, self-regulation by any provincial engineering association for the design, construction, operation or closure of tailings dams for a practicing Professional Engineer (P.Eng/ing.). The duty of care associated with tailings management is the obligation to protect the public and the environment. Tailings engineering and management requires a level of competence consistent with the requirements of the facility and its risks. Whether you are a Tailings Manager, Qualified Persons (QP), Lead Designer, Engineer of Record, Independent Reviewer, or reviewing and/or approving tailings management systems and/or facilities, you should be part of this conversation.

    This workshop will explore what body of skills, knowledge and experience for competency in engineering and management of tailings facilities. This workshop will explore what are the components of a training module to develop and maintain competence in tailings facility engineering and tailings management.

    Rick Siwik, Siwik Consulting Inc.

  • 8:00-17:00 Mineral resource estimation and simulation

    This workshop is an overview of resource estimation from data collection to mineral resource estimation and simulation, and validation. Different estimation and conditional simulation methodologies will be presented. Challenges of geometallurgical modelling will be discussed. A significant risk to proper valuation of a mining project is associated with data collection, geological interpretation and mineral resource modelling methodology.

    Georges Verly, Chief Geostatistician, Amec Foster Wheeler

  • 8:30-16:30 “Bio”Treatment for Mining Waters: Current State of Knowledge and Best Practices

    This course is an introduction to the best practices for the design, implementation, operation, and troubleshooting of biotreatment in the mining sector. Biotreatment encompasses passive, semi-passive, and active treatment systems, with a focus on coupled biological and geochemical processes (although other methods will also be discussed). Examples include bioreactors, constructed treatment wetlands, in pit treatment, and in situ mine pool treatment. Design aspects as well as challenges and considerations will be addressed. Material will be covered in one day through classroom learning and case studies.


    1. Course Overview / Welcome / Safety Moment
    2. History and Fundamentals of Passive and Semi-Passive Water Treatment
    3. Assessing and Optimizing Treatment Effectiveness
    4. Process Driven Design – Case Studies
    5. Frequently Encountered Challenges or Considerations

    Monique Simair (Haakensen), PhD, RPBio, PBiol, EP is the founder, President and Principal Scientist at Contango Strategies. Her expertise in bioremediation and passive/semi-passive water treatment spans from conceptual planning and design, to technical and public regulatory hearings, through to implementation and long-term closure. She has worked on treatment wetlands for over fifteen mines. Outside of Contango, Monique sits on a number of boards and committees, and serves as an Adjunct Professor with the University of Saskatchewan School of Environment and Sustainability, Clemson University’s Department of Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences, and previously as an Academic Lead for the University Arctic.

    Vanessa Friesen, PhD, EP has worked in the environmental industry since 2011. With Contango, she has experience as a scientific lead or collaborator on projects (over 25), including remediation, water treatment, and industrial and environmental microbiology. She has extensive knowledge in biogeochemistry, scientific design and testing of treatment systems, project planning and management, and scientific data analysis and multidisciplinary interpretation. She has coordinated the phased approach for passive and semi-passive water treatment system development, including feasibility studies, site assessments, modeling, design, and testing for projects world-wide. She has also provided specialist support for bioreactor performance monitoring, optimization, and control. Dr. Friesen oversees supervision of technical staff, and provides scientific oversight to projects at Contango. Prior to joining Contango, Vanessa successfully lead the development of novel microbial profiling services which are now being applied at Contango to assess environmental and remediation projects around the world.



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